Our customers testify...

OslandiaNarm-PCEthicsysPix'N'Graph15/09 CONSULTINGApeiron Technologiesarundo.techAssociation La GranjaTOSTAKY* CTIC AssociationAstrolabe CAEASVOLABack2dataBag-EraCositrexdembellEcohameau du PlessisAssociation Educ'ATElycoop CAEKeyOxLa bataille du LibreLe MignonLes Paysans du Bocage SASManajetPâquerette - CAE OPTEOSSempiternelia – Humanités numériques et bibliothèques numériquesSpirale CoopMédia rural - Télé MillevachesVille Ayn, SavoieVille Dullin, SavoieFreeCAD France
Dominique Hébert
Development Director of the Educ'AT association, which works for the prevention of school bullying

I wanted to be able to offer an email address to each active member of the association without it costing us an arm and a leg.

Thanks to Galae's Mail offer, for €96 including VAT per year, I can create as many email addresses and aliases as I want, with the only limits being 100 emails sent per day and 30 GB total.

CourtBouillon (free software development)

Following a significant price change from our previous provider, we were looking for an ethical and reasonably priced email service.

We decided to bet on Galae by participating in the crowdfunding, and we are very satisfied with the service.

It works, communication is clear, and the people are friendly!

Geographic Information Systems

At Oslandia, we pay attention to the ethics of our suppliers, and Galae aligns well with our values.

Moreover, we found a team that is available and responsive to all our requests, with easy and pleasant communication.

The offer is clear, and the technology delivers!

Mathieu Labonne
Ecohameau du Plessis (co-housing)

Within our eco-village, we were looking for a way to create multiple email addresses without needing much storage space.

We were surprised by the exorbitant prices of several providers, including the one hosting our website. A friend, who specializes in free software, told us about the launch of Galae's service, and we were welcomed with great attention and care.

The offer perfectly meets our needs.

As a citizen collective of several dozen people needing to create mailing lists and email addresses for internal roles, Galae's offer is severely valuable for us and fits within our small association budget!

Nicolas FABRE
Liléo, free and cooperative IT

We provide IT services for the René de Tremeac Educational Center in Nantes (around 70 email users).

In terms of email, this client operates self-hosted with SOGo and Thunderbird, and we use Galae’s services for their expertise in MX and SMTP server management.

Following a policy change from a major domain name and hosting provider, we searched for a more ethical email hosting provider. That’s how we found Galae.

The email service has been running for about a month, and everything is going well :)

The ethical aspect, proximity, French hosting, and trust in Algoo motivated my choice to go with Galae.

Very happy with the service.

Mathieu Labourier
Technical Director of the 42mix association

It’s like self-hosting the solution while avoiding the inherent difficulties of email.

I was looking for a solution that would allow me to send automatic emails with my services, and Galae arrived just at the right time!

The logo is just perfect <3

For my association, where I am the technical director, Galae (even with the lowest plan) allows me to manage mailboxes and aliases as I wish, easily and without restrictions. The integration of config files for Apple and the Exchange protocol enables quick and easy setup of members' devices.

Kévin Guérin
Entrepreneur and speaker – Responsible and low-tech digital expert

What I particularly appreciate about this ethical email service is the flexible billing based on actual usage.

Additionally, this offer is very competitive: €20 per year for 35 emails sent per day, plus global storage space not tied to each mailbox.

Frédéric ROSAIN
Independent technician in industrial packaging

The ethical aspect, proximity, and French hosting, along with trust in Algoo, motivated my choice to go with Galae.

Very happy with the service.

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