Galae FAQ

Questions about Galae offers

Can I group several email boxes from multiple domains on the START offer?

Yes. Like all Galae offers, the START offer is only limited by thenumber of emails sent per day and the storage volume.

You can group your domains within a single subscription.

Is the number of email boxes really unlimited?

Yes. Through your administration interface, you can create as many email boxesas you want. The same applies, by the way, for aliases and redirections.

Is the number of domains really unlimited?

Yes. To add a new domain name to your account, you just need to make a requestto the support team.

Why does Galae offer unlimited email boxes and domains?

The idea behind the Galae service is to bill customers based on their consumption:

  • having multiple domains does not consume more resources,
  • having more distinct email boxes does not consume more resources.

Consequently, this does not incur additional costs.

Can I send more than 2000 emails daily?

If your needs exceed the quotas of the ENTERPRISE offer, we invite you to contact thesales team to discuss your project together:

Who uses the Galae service?

All types of organizations are represented, whether they are local authorities,associations, cooperatives, companies ... and of course individuals!

The homepage includes a banner that gives you an idea of the clients who have agreed to appearpublicly as users of the Galae service.

You can also get a sense of the user experiences we regularly publish on theGalae customer testimonials page + """). You will almost certainly find clients who resemble you.

Is it possible to change offers along the way?

Yes. You can contact the sales team who will offer you a solution to adjust youroffer along the way.

Do I need to change my domain name provider and web hosting to come to Galae?

No, you can keep your provider. We will provide you with DNS records to modify,but they only concern emails and have no impact on the rest.

Galae does not offer domain name registration and does not provide webhosting.

If you are a professional and want to have a single point of contact, contact ourparent company: algoo can offer you a tailored and complete service.

How are the sending and storage quotas distributed?

Quotas are shared between all your email boxes and all your domains.

How is the sending quota counted?

The sending quota applies over a rolling 24-hour period.

Each recipient of an email counts as one send. If you send an email to 10 people, thenyour quota will be deducted by 10.

Is there any contraindication to subscribing to Galae as an individual?

No: our START offer corresponds to common family usage.

Moreover, unlike competing services, you will benefit from advanced features such asfine management of Antispam thresholds, quota allocation, an unlimited number of email boxes ...

I plan to create my company in a few years, will it be possible to transfer the account holder at that time?

Yes, absolutely.

Each customer account allows managing one or more domain names, it is possible to requestthe transfer of a domain from one customer account to another that belongs to you.

You can also convert your "individual" account to a "professional" account bycontacting the support team.

Is it possible to occasionally exceed the sending quota without changing offers?

We allow as standard a quota overrun that applies transparently.

To significantly exceed your quota, even occasionally, you will need to move to the higher offer.

Do I need to buy my domain before contacting you?

To use Galae, you must own a domain name. You can indifferentlybuy it before or after your Galae registration.

If you want us to handle the purchase and management of your domain name, weinvite you to contact the sales team:

Is it possible to pay by bank transfer?

Yes, it is possible to pay by bank transfer. To do this, you need to contact the sales teamindicating:

  • the offer you wish to subscribe to,
  • your details: Name, address
  • if you are a company, your identification number and your intra-community VAT number
  • the list of domain names you wish to integrate into the Galae service.

Send this information by email to

Questions about migration, support, mutual assistance

I'm not technical, will I be able to use the service?

Of course!

To support less technical clients, we have set up several tools:

  • a "first steps on Galae" guide in PDF format accompanies you in getting started with the service
  • we have developed a DNS record generator to facilitate the configuration of your domain name
  • a community space allows you to ask your questions and get mutual help between clients/users
  • a private support space is at your disposal to contact the Galae team.

If you really can't manage, we can also assist you with ourprofessional services.

What are the ways to find help?

To unblock yourself, you have several means at your disposal:

  • we provide you with comprehensive documentation that evolves regularly based on our clients' questions,
  • you can ask your questions directly on the Galae community space where other users can help you. The support team actively participates in this space,
  • you have a private support space to contact the support team directly and confidentially,
  • if you have an Enterprise offer, we handle your requests as a priority.

I'm self-employed and I'm interested in your service, but I don't want to handle technical considerations

We have a special offer for self-employed individuals who want to free themselves from the technicalmanagement of their emails.

This offer includes complete handling by us of your domain name management, email configuration,and even migration.

To learn more, contact the sales team:

Where is the Support team located?

The Galae support team is an internal Galae team. The team is located in metropolitan France.

Unlike many actors, we do not outsource support: you are directlyin contact with the team in charge of operating the service, whether for routine questionsor for more technical points.

Questions about Galae service quality: deliverability, security, spam, antivirus

Do you manage to ensure deliverability as good as the big operators?

We ensure deliverability that is very likely better than the big operators.

This is possible for various reasons:

  • email is Galae's core business: we cannot afford to be mediocre,
  • we apply best practices and ensure daily monitoring,
  • in case of a problem, we act immediately to adapt traffic routing,
  • we provide support to clients ourselves.

Some clients have told us they come to us for the quality of deliverability.

Does Galae support DMARC?


Does Galae support DKIM?


Does Galae support SPF?


Does the service include an antivirus?

Yes, an antivirus is integrated into the service. It scans files attached to emails to detectpotential viruses.

Does the service include an anti-spam?

Galae of course offers a quality anti-spam.

Moreover, unlike most competing services, you have the ability to finely adjustSPAM detection thresholds for your email boxes.

Questions about Galae features

Does Galae support CalDAV calendars?


Are there CardDAV address books?


Does Galae support the standard IMAP protocol?


Does Galae support the standard POP3 protocol?


Does Galae support the standard SMTP protocol?


Which email software should I use to connect to Galae?

All standard email software is compatible with Galae. Generally, theGalae service relies on the use of standard protocols and is therefore compatible with allsoftware that respects this.

Does Galae support SIEVE filters?


Does Galae support * (wildcard) aliases?


Does Galae support "catch-all"?


Is a webmail integrated into the offer?

Yes. Galae relies on the SOGo webmail which integrates advanced features such asshared calendars, shared address books, delegation of email box management, etc.

Technical questions about the Galae service

Is the Galae service open source?

The Galae service relies on an entirely free technology stack.

You can find the Galae source code on the Github repository.