Free up your inbox,
deliver your emails.

High deliverability rate. Unlimited email addresses and domains. Advanced configuration options.

More than 200 clients already trust us, why shouldn't you?

OslandiaNarm-PCEthicsysPix'N'Graph15/09 CONSULTINGApeiron Technologiesarundo.techAssociation La GranjaTOSTAKY* CTIC AssociationAstrolabe CAEASVOLABack2dataBag-EraCositrexdembellEcohameau du PlessisAssociation Educ'ATElycoop CAEKeyOxLa bataille du LibreLe MignonLes Paysans du Bocage SASManajetPâquerette - CAE OPTEOSSempiternelia – Humanités numériques et bibliothèques numériquesSpirale CoopMédia rural - Télé MillevachesVille Ayn, SavoieVille Dullin, SavoieFreeCAD France

E-mails delivered, in line with standards

  • Our platform natively supports DKIM, SPF and DMARC.
  • Interact with your e-mails, address books and calendars via IMAP, POP3, CalDAV and CardDAV standard protocols.
  • We offer SIEVE filters, aliases and fine-tuned quota management.
  • We pay close attention to the deliverability of your e-mails.

See pricing

Your data is safe

  • Our infrastructure is exclusively located in France.
  • We comply with the GDPR and make sure we do so for the long term. We are supported by a specialist consultancy: LexActitude
  • Our redundant hardware infrastructure ensures the continuity of your data.
  • Your data is backed up off-site; backups are redundant.

See pricing

You are autonomous and sovereign. We support you.

  • Fine-tuned e-mail management interface: create/delete mailboxes, aliases, SIEVE filters, quotas, etc.
  • Community self-help platform.
  • Helpdesk support provided by the galae team.
  • Optional: guaranteed response time, professional phone support.We only use free software and open protocols to ensure interoperability.

See pricing

Offers and prices

The galae offer is based on the 4 following offers:


  • All features
  • Unlimited email domains
  • Incoming: Unlimited email
  • Outgoing: 35 emails / day
  • Storage: 5 GB
  • Community
  • Best Effort
  • Priority
  • Phone
ex. VAT /yearex. VAT /2 yrs


  • All features
  • Unlimited email domains
  • Incoming: Unlimited email
  • Outgoing: 100 emails / day
  • Storage: 30 GB
  • Community
  • Best Effort
  • Priority
  • Phone
ex. VAT /yearex. VAT /2 yrs


  • All features
  • Unlimited email domains
  • Incoming: Unlimited email
  • Outgoing: 500 emails / day
  • Storage: 100 GB
  • Community
  • Best Effort
  • Priority - OPTION *
  • Phone - OPTION ** Contact us
ex. VAT /yearex. VAT /2 yrs


  • All features
  • Unlimited email domains
  • Incoming: Unlimited email
  • Outgoing: 2000 emails/day
  • Storage: 500 GB
  • Community
  • Best Effort
  • Priority
  • Phone - OPTION ** Contact us
ex. VAT /yearex. VAT /2 yrs

What our customers say...

Dominique Hébert
Development Director of the Educ'AT association

« I can create as many email addresses and aliases as I want. »

Mathieu Labonne
Ecohameau du Plessis

« We were welcomed with great attention and care. »

Kévin Guérin
Entrepreneur and speaker

« I particularly appreciate the flexible billing based on actual usage. »

Why did I decide to create the galae service?

Like many of you, I noticed a gradual deterioration in the quality of email services and anincrease in prices.

This situation, along with the projects we are conducting withalgoo on behalf of our clients, led me to launchan email service that complies with standards, relying exclusively on open-source software and, ofcourse, respecting user data.

When I asked them, clients requested:

  • a flexible service billed based on actual usage - indexed on storage volume and sending volume,
  • a close and trustworthy relationship manifested through real, human, local customer support,
  • the provision of tools for autonomous management of email accounts.

We built the service with the team, with the community, with our clients, for our clients.

And it will continue to be this way.

Décrié, le mail reste la colonne vertébrale de la majorité des systèmes d'informations.

Despite criticism, email remains the backbone of the majority of information systems.We — algoo — are here to accompany you on this journey with our service for autonomous and freemanagement of email addresses.

Damien ACCORSI, dirigeant algoo et créateur galae
Algoo CEO and creator of galae

Convinced you need an ethical,
pay-per-use email service?

Subscribe to galae now!

You can also send us an e-mail